1. Ashley Lee, Communication Design, Junior
  2. I am from South Korea, but has been living in the United States since last eleven years. I drew, studie, and explored art ever since I was an elementary school kid, but has just recently developed interest in designing. I like to work in teams and collaborate on ideas. I signed up for this class not only because it is one of the foundation courses, but because I wanted to gain insight on coding, html, and such techniques. I have a friend who goes to another college who has gone through similar materials like this, and what she created instigated and prompted me to be apt to create something similar. Also, I work for the Student Technology Service at WashU, and many student workers have these set of skills already. I want to learn these so that in the future I could be a more competitive individual.
  3. I do not have any experience with any unfortunately, but I am excited to learn!
  4. I want to learn basics of coding, and I wanted to learn html, which I am doing right now!
  5. https://www.shopbop.com

    This is an online clothing store website. I found this to have an effective design because first, it is easy to navigate and find one's needs. Yet the design of the website is made so that there is still a voice of the website itself. It is not just a simply grocery-like list of products; rather, it recommends styles, informs trends, and help customers to have an enjoyable experience.

  6. https://www.naver.com

    I find this website as an effective communicating tool because it encompasses wide varieties of subjects and interests. It delivers news, information on fashion trends, on sports, on books, on musics, on celebrities, etc. Like google, this website serves a stepping stone to possible everything a person might want to find out about. It is a great hub of wide communication.

  7. https://www.google.com/?client=safari

    Though it may be cliche, Google definitely works well in the aspect that it is a major search tool for everyone and for every businesses, communities, departments, etc. It not only creates advertising opportunities for companies but an easy searching system to civilians, and has thus become a go to pathway for anything anytime. Moreover, its ubiquitous access to almost any search subjects makes this website even more powerful and appealing.